Defining Relationships Part 1

Life is all about our relationships!

Even the most reserved and introverted individuals still survive via relationships. We may try to avoid humans for many reasons yet we cannot do without relationships.

Think about the various dimensions of your relationships.

  1. You

    You have such an un-detachable relationship with yourself. Know it or not. You might not think much of it or you may be deeply in touch with yourself. You relate to you. Before anyone can relate to you, you do to you first. But how? And how well? The relationship you have with yourself must be a healthy one otherwise, it reflects in other areas of your life. If you don’t love and value you, no one will. You must have a healthy love for yourself and that is where it all begins. Having a healthy love for yourself means that regardless of what you must achieve in the day, you make out time intentionally to be with you. I call it “I-Time”.

    Your ‘i-time’ is special, and nothing should steal that from you. During your ‘i-time’, there are a million and one things you can do just to be with you.

    I don’t mean reading because when you read, you are actively interacting with someone else’s inactive mind. So, I suggest other better methods in being with you except that is how you choose to spend that specific ‘i-time’. Knowing and taking care of you requires that you care for all the dimensions of you: your spirit, your soul and your body. You must consider carefully how you do it

  2. Him

    You did not just appear on this earth. There are all sorts of theories that try to negate the existence of a very relevant God. In various religions, He has been tagged different names and qualified by different words. There is a deep longing in the heart of every human for something that is beyond us. That void can only be filled when we find or re-establish our relationship with God. He fills us beyond what words can describe. This is why, you must assess and evaluate your relationship on this very important dimension.

  3. Food.

    Why food? I find that amongst other things, food is a big part of our existence. Even if you decide not to eat for a certain period of time, eventually, you will still need to feed your body. But why and how do you feed your body.

    Food is certainly a big part of our culture. Everywhere go you, there are food shops and stores. Even in an economic recession, food shops stay vibrant and make good sales because people must eat and feed their tummies.

    Usually, when I go on holiday or travel to another country, one of the things that interests me is the food in that country.

    I am at a point now where I have been considering my relationship with food. Now, I eat not just because it is 8am- breakfast time or because it is 1.30 and that’s time for lunch. Now I eat because the food is nourishing to my body and I only need  a certain amount to get the energy required to fulfil the day’s activities.

    Sometimes, we get carried away with how much food is available. At other times, it is the excitement from adverts of ‘dead foods’ – foods that offer little or no nutritional value. Funny but sad, they are all over the place. Everywhere you turn in fact. The wise thing to do is to redefine how you relate to food and drink. Be sure to slash dead foods having access into you to the very minimum. When you do so, you will realise that you surge with energy. High-quality nutrient packed food going into you makes much energy flow through you.

Think about these 3 relationships and how they impact you. In part 2 we will consider more of our relationships and how to prioritise to maximise each of our relationships.


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